
Posts Tagged ‘linux’

Adding SSH server to Linux ( Ubuntu 12.04 LTS ) openssh-server

SSH is a secure communication protocol that lets you remotely access networked computers. It is known as a replacement for Telnet which is very unsecure. While telnet sends traffic in plain text, SSH on the other hand uses a secure protocol to communicate.
1. Open Terminal (CTRL + ALT + T)
2. Install openssh-server.
$sudo apt-get install openssh-server
3. Once installed, it is possible to change which port to connect on by editing the following file:
#Package generated configuration file
# See the sshd_config(5) manpage for details
#What ports, IPs, and porotocols we listen for:
Port 22
4. Save the file.
You can now connect to the machine using SSH (Putty, WinSCP, etc) on port 22, or whatever port you wish to use.

How to Enable VNC server / connectivity in Linux ( Ubuntu 12.04 LTS )

VNC connectivity is not set up by default on most Linux distributions.

Follow the steps below to get VNC up and running so that you can connect using VNC Viewer, or some other VNC client application.

1. Install x11vnc:

sudo apt-get install x11vnc

2. Create /etc/init/x11vnc.conf file using vi or gedit:
start on login-session-start
x11vnc -xkb -noxrecord -noxfixes -noxdamage -display :0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -forever -bg -o /var/log/x11vnc.log
end script

3. After restarting, 11vnc should listen on vnc standard port (port 5900).

The script is based on upstart event mechanism when Lightdm emits login-session-start event, x11vnc is started.


Steps 2 & 3 above … not working. (probably for an older version of Ubuntu and something has changed.)

However, once it has been installed (Step #1) it can be run as an application that requires no password by simply running

Then, connect to the machine’s IP via VNC Viewer.

—Review steps #2 and #3 so that this will automatically start up on system startup.

Installing SSH Server ( openssh-server ) on Ubuntu 11

June 24, 2011 1 comment

SSH stands for secure shell. SSH is a shell tool that allows an administrator to remote into many network devices. When administrating a headless Ubuntu 11.4 server the best way to remote in is over ssh. The package for Ubuntu 11.4 is called openssh server. Openssh is a widely used remote administration tool.

To install ssh on Ubuntu 11.4 run the following commands on a command line

The command listed below will install all update on your system (it is a good idea to check for any updates and install them before going any further):

sudo apt-get update

The command below will install the openssh server:

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Portmap is needed to map ports for openssh. The command is listed below:

sudo apt-get install portmap

Once these are installed, you can use a program such as putty to connect to the Ubuntu machine on the local network. In order to connect to your Ubuntu machine outside of your local network, some settings will be required on your router or gateway to allow incoming connections to the Ubuntu machine on port 22.